SEEU, teaching practices, satisfaction, logistic regression, the mathematical modelAbstract
In the new competitive environment of the higher education in the Republic of Macedonia, the South East European University (SEEU) has the considerable impact as the model institution. It offers the various benefits to the new generations. These benefits are on the direction of offering the new agilities, and the knowledge which guaranties the better future for the students in the area of the global trade of labor. In each new activity taken from the SEEU, the main focus is increasing the quality and the development of its educational and research capacities. In this direction very important role has the increasing the quality of the learning and teaching process. The aim of this research is to determine some of the so called satisfaction factors, which have the positive impact on students’ perception concerning some teaching practices. In this paper the analyses is done using the logistic regression method. For this purpose there is build the corresponding mathematical model. This model considers the factor satisfaction/dissatisfaction on some subjects. This factor is taken as the function of the measured variables. In total there are considered 20 variables which have the impact on the teaching process. The variable "answer" is the satisfaction factor.The obtained results make possible to identify the relations between the teaching practices and the satisfaction/dissatisfaction quality of the course.Downloads
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