Abandoning, institution, poverty, phenomenon, education, stimulationAbstract
One of the most disturbing problems of our society is the problem of students’ school abandoning. It is a phenomenon that in many stages followed up our society. It is much more profound problem than actually it is considered, because it is inherited from one generation to the other. In this study we consider many fragilities of elementary and pre university education in Kosova. The right for education is guaranteed in all international convents; therefore the society should do much more in analyzing the main factors of abandoning, in order to make efforts in the direction of stopping the factors which influence it. In this research we are analyzing the main reasons of this phenomenon. For this purpose there are prepared the special questionnaires. The first questioner is fulfilled by the students and the second questioner is fulfilled by the teachers. In total there were surveyed 450 students and 229 teachers from both elementary and high schools in the Republic of Kosova. These data provided descriptive information, quantitative and statistical interpretation. The statistical analysis of the data is made by using the SPSS software. Also we made the prediction of the future reasons using Google prediction system.Downloads
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