Student sectioning problem, decision making model, individual student scheduleAbstract
Educational institutions generally present a timetable to students in which the scheduling of courses and classes have been arranged before. Generating an appropriate timetable in which all classes do not conflict each other is quite difficult. Students use this timetable to choose the courses and classes according to their requirements. A selected course class may be conflict with another selected one in timetable. Therefore, students are generally forced in selecting the classes without course conflict or minimum and acceptable course conflict. In this study a computer aided system for engineering students of Industrial Engineering Department at Gazi University is proposed to define the classes for selected courses. The system takes the courses from users and presents them appropriate classes by using a mathematical model in background. The aims of the mathematical model are minimizing the course conflict, assigning student to classes desired by department and minimizing total days in which the student takes courses. Consequently, an easy way is proposed to students in selecting course classes by improving a multi-objective decision making model and a case study is applied.Downloads
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