Music student teachers, peer assessment, teacher educationAbstract
Forming an effective learning atmosphere in the classrooms can only be possible with active participation of students. Assessment and evaluation procedures are part of students’ learning and students need to be active assessor and evaluator for their own learning. Peer assessment is one of the frequently used alternative evaluation technique. The purpose of this research is to understand final year music students’ views about peer assessment practices during music teaching methods course. In the scope of this study two dimensions are discussed: i) music students’ evaluation of peer assessment, ii) music students’ opinions about the difficulties experienced through this process. This is a case study in qualitative research paradigm and was conducted during 2014-2015 autumn semester with twenty music students in Fine Arts Department of Music Education (Necmettin Erbakan University, Education Faculty). In order to get in-depth understanding about the perceptions of the music students, a semi structured interview technique was used in the data collecting process and data were analysed by descriptive analysis method.Downloads
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