Preschool, education of gifted children, gifted childrenAbstract
The objective of the study is to identify the views of preschool pre-service teachers on gifted children. Sample of the study included 57 pre-service preschool teachers attending Fırat University Faculty of Education. Qualitative research method was utilized in the present study. Data collection tools was a semi-structured interview form developed to identify views on gifted children by the authors. Content analysis on obtained data was conducted to describe the views of pre-service preschool teachers that participated in the study on gifted children. Results demonstrated that pre-service teachers had general knowledge on the identity of gifted children. Pre-service teachers stated that gifted children were significantly different than other children vis a vis certain characteristics. To develop the skills of these children, they argued that a different curriculum should be implemented and the teachers that would instruct that curriculum should be trained in a specialized education and possess adequate knowledge about gifted children. Pre-service teachers stipulated that it would be better to identify gifted children as earliest as possible, and thus, preschool period is the most appropriate time to identify the gifted children.Downloads
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