Science camp, middle school students, science, natureAbstract
“Artvin Natura and Science Camp” was supported by TUBITAK in order to make science and technology-based learning more fun and enjoyable. It is a project aiming to develop students' awareness towards nature and science and gain new information about these two topics. The aim of this study is to determine the perspectives of middle school students towards science and scientists after participating a nature and science camp. The study was conducted on 15 girls and 15 boys (14 6th grade and 16 7th grade students) who were randomly selected from middle schools in Artvin within the scope of TUBITAK 4004-Artvin Nature and Science Camp. In the study, a case study approach which is one of the qualitative research approaches, and a semi-structured interview form was used. Results of these interviews were analyzed using content analysis. NVIVO 10 package program was used in the analyses. In the studies conducted, 30% of the students think that science is “producing, exploring and inventing new things”, 17% of them consider science as “explaining the unknown” and 13% of them think that think that science is “learning new information or combining knowledge”, respectively. Students describe their role model scientists as those mostly invented technological tools and devices, tried to protect health and nature and facilitated the life of people. Besides, students want to invent a phone, “which will never run out of battery, receives signal everywhere and it can be charged through solar energy” as a technological device. Considering the age group of students, the idea of inventing a cell phone is very reasonable. In addition, the number of students who want to develop a flying car and cancer drugs is higher compared to others. In general, the products wanted to be invented are seen to be useful for society and environment. Only 3% of the students want to develop “undefeated warriors for wars and living creatures with modified DNA” to fight in the wars. As a result, it has been seen that students participating in the project think that science should be used for human interest and scientists must invent products for the benefit of man and nature.Downloads
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