Image clothing, body coloring, perceptive component, psychological comfortAbstract
Everybody want to look beautiful, bright and stylish at all times of the year, but sometimes it’s not easy to find perfect clothing color combinations. Managing the impact of color on person’s image is smart considering that color is one of the first things noticed about a person, particularly from a distance. Each hue has a different psychological effect, and there is a specific psychological reaction to each color. Results of the literature review show that clothes don’t just affect person’s confidence level; they can affect one’s success, as “clothing significantly influences how others perceive you and how they respond to you.” Thus the authors deal with a perceptive component as a necessary component of professional competence of the fashion designer.Authors conclude that choice of clothing colors must be achieved as a result of consideration of external data (person’s coloring), and internal data (psychological features of the person). In the article it is presented through scheme of external and internal factors which have an impact on formation of visual imagery and impression. Every person has a unique pattern of body coloring and also particular preferences for color that relate to their temperament and past experiences. In this work authors are generally applied to the contemporary study of four classical temperaments in the approaches of image clothing and selecting colors. Authors improved the incidence matrixes those show the relationship between two classes of objects: first one shows the relationship between clothing colors and personality; and the second one is about to identify the best color palette for person’s body coloring. The rules of identification the best color palette are formalized and represented as a CMYK color model. Selection clothing colors and evaluation of psychological comfort of clothes are presented as a part of studied courses for future fashion designers.Downloads
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