Flexible manufacturing system, production system, operations management, advanced manufacturing technologies, competencesAbstract
One of most important aspect that modern technology has managed in area of manufacturing systems and technologies are Flexible Manufacturing Systems. In a corporation, the aim is to hold inventory levels at a minimum level, to plan production by considering a lot of parameters, manufacturing high quality products and manufacturing the desired goods on time, place and at an appropriate cost. Flexible Manufacturing Systems has added some advantages to corporations, due to its manufacturing and marketing advantages. An important component in design and development of flexibility in a production system is the establishment of appropriate flexibility measures. A flexibility measure or a set of flexibility measures is used to determine the level of flexibility in a typical production system at a given situation. Although there is economical un-stability, insufficient industry structure or to high inventory levels, high technologies must be used to respond to changing demands, to produce high quality goods, to manufacture products at appropriate price in Macedonia. Macedonia needs to use and manufacture these modern technologies to compete and survive in international markets.Downloads
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