Video lectures, lecture capturing, teaching and learning technology, innovative learning technology, student performance, mathematics teachingAbstract
Technology in higher education is dramatically changing and continuously giving a challenging time for educators and institutions to provide the same level of innovative contents, environment and interaction to a digital native generation which is well powered with technology. It has been well observed and recognized that video lectures technology can have positive impacts on student learning and satisfaction however research on Mathematics intensive subjects have yet to be fully explored. This exploratory evaluation seeks to examine students’ experiences and perception on receiving lectures via a digital lecture technology, and to assess using statistical tools the benefits of those video lectures on student performance in a mathematics intensive subject for freshman students at the American University of Sharjah, UAE. The concept of introducing rich text format lecture capture technology in Mathematics subjects (Math for Business and Calculus 2) was rigorously analyzed on a total sample of more than 300 students over multiple semesters. Both control groups without using any form of technology and experimental groups with using the proposed technology were compared in terms of student acceptance and academic performance improvements. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were used and the results are very promising. Students saw the added benefits and found the technology very useful.Downloads
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