Turbidimeter, transistor, microcontroller, laboratory experimentAbstract
This article describes a laboratory experiment to teach phototransistor and LED driver circuits and analog to digital conversion using a microcontroller through a turbidimeter design for biomedical engineering undergraduates. Teaching electrical circuits and concepts using a real design helps students to use the theoretical knowledge practically and apply it. This type of real application motivates students. The purpose of this design is to drive an LED by BJT transistor and to get a voltage value related to the absorbed light from the LED by phototransistor and to convert the voltage signal of the absorbed light into digital by using microcontroller. The test of turbidimeter in the experiment is applied by measuring the added soil to water in cuvettes. In this paper, similar experiments are reviewed, the experimental procedures are explained, the methods for evaluation the success of the experiment are determined. As a further work experiment will be applied to biomedical engineering undergraduates and evaluation of their success and motivation will be reviewed.Downloads
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