Pre-service teachers, TPCK, technology integrationAbstract
How technology is integrated to the lessons is important because what is meant by teachers’ use of technology varies widely. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to determine pre-service physics teachers’ TPCK and to examine their technology integration skills during their practices. Technological pedagogical content knowledge frames this research. The participants of the study were senior pre-service physics. In order to measure the participants’ true knowledge, ability, and practice about TPCK, data were collected by using mixed-methods including observations, lesson plans, and interviews. Results of this study conclude that pre-service physics teachers can reflect technology integration to their practices more successfully than to their lesson plans. They can behave like an expert while using CBL technology in their teaching. Although they know how to use technology effectively, some of them need to improve their knowledge and realize that technology is not a vitamin whose mere presence catalyzes better educational outcomes. In addition, pre-service physics teachers have high level TPCK; hence, they have tendency to use technology and have a coherent knowledge about technology, pedagogy and content. This study suggests that various technologies should be introduced in teacher education programs and teacher candidates should use these technologies as tools to gain progress in advancing their TPCK.Downloads
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