Self-regulation, language learning strategies, achievement, grade level, higher educationAbstract
A body of research has shown that self-regulation and language learning strategies are important variables influencing learning. The aim of the study is to analyze the relationship between students' self-regulations and their language learning strategies. For research purposes, the changes in self-regulations and language learning strategies according to achievement and grade levels, together with the more or less frequently used language learning strategies are investigated. The participants comprise 860 higher education students attending various departments in a state university in Turkey. The Scale on Self-Regulation in Learning (SSRL) and Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) were used to gather data. Descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA and ANOVA, and correlation statistics were used during data analyses. The findings show medium positive correlations between the two main constructs, changes in both student self-regulations and their language learning strategies when students' achievements and grade levels are considered and reveal some facts about the frequently used or neglected strategies in language learning. Conclusions are drawn and suggestions for further practice and research are made in the end accordingly.Downloads
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