Graphic organizers, chemistry lessonsAbstract
Graphic organizers are the visual representations that show the organization or structure of concepts as well as relationships between concepts. The effective use of graphic organizers may be a magnificent strategy to help students connect ideas and they can be added to instructional materials to communicate the logical structure of the instructional material. This study aims to show how graphic organizer use within teaching duration by presenting different types of graphic organizers and to provide an overview of the benefits of using the graphic organizers for teaching and learning of secondary chemistry lessons. For this purpose, the graphic organizers which are examples of different types of graphic organizers have been prepared for selected topics from 9th to 12th grade in this study. The graphic organizers (such as semantic future analysis, a flow diagram, comparison contrast matrix, spider web, fishbone, positive and negative-interest diagram, word mapping, persuade map, cause-effect diagram, concept map) have been presented and discussed how they use in the chemistry lessons in this study.Downloads
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