Constructive learning, chemistry classesAbstract
According to the curriculum programs, basic knowledge of the subject is planned to be taught within a short period of time. There is weak connection between the topics in the textbooks written on the basis of the program. Knowledge and skills are not learned systematically, knowledge is transferred in a prepared form make students to learn them by heart.A number of changes should be carried out in order to remove this problem and to teach students to be able to learn by thinking. These include: · The hours for chemistry classes should be increased at incomplete secondary schools. And it will be the strengthening of forthcoming knowledge.· Textbooks should be written in a simple, meaningful way and knowledge should be associated with each other systematically. · Practices carried out by the students can yield effective results. While using the Internet resources, the students have an opportunity to think and to work creatively.· Constructive learning environment should be created in order to rouse interest for the teaching process, interactive discussions should be organized. The knowledge presented in the textbook should be compiled in a logical sequence in order to solve the problem. The given knowledge should be compiled in the modules according to the sections.As the knowledge within the module is logically linked with each other, the modules are also connected with each other. Open-ended tests are also given alongside with close-ended tests, along with the knowledge-oriented questions, thought-provoking questions are also given. The hermeneutic approach created in constructive atmosphere may result in learning the topic systematically, learning its parts deep, and acquiring the knowledge is replaced with teaching-learning process.Downloads
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