Old age, discrimination against the elderly, attitude, university studentsAbstract
Although respecting the elderly people and devotion to them is one of the fundamental social rules in Turkey, this fact is being affected by the regional and traditional conducts. Considering the demographic changes, attitude towards the elderly people turns into an important status.This work was planned in order to determine the attitudes of the university students towards the elderly people was and conducted on the Ankara University Department of Social Work students. In the research, the attitudes were measured with the attitude scale developed by Kogan (1961) and t-test was applied to determine the differences between genders. The result of the research revealed that; the elderly people need more compassion and trust compared to anyone else; even though there are minor exceptions, most of the elderly people are found to be sympathetic; individuals grow in experience as they age and that it is hard to make the elderly feel sincere. Additionally, the results show that female students have more positive attitudes towards the elderly people than the male students (p<0.05).Downloads
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