Education, interactive learning, lifelong learning, ICTAbstract
Traditional way of education, based on lectures and transfer of content, facts and information in no longer an adequate response to the expectations of students. Today, set of different tasks prepare young people for life and work, because of the speed of the flow of life, permanent inability to attending lectures, this method requires education rooted changes. One of the solutions in distance learning, in which the student and professor of space separated, and information and communication technology enables them to communicate and overcome barriers of time and space. The performance of distance learning depends on the adaptability and the ability of students to adjust their habits with a new way of learning and work. This means that students become as close as possible to information and communication technologies, preparing for the resolution of technical problems, brand new in the way of communication and to play an active role in distance learning and self-taking responsibility for their own progress. This thesis will analyze DLS and will determine how many students have a predisposition for the adjustment mode by distance learning using DLS, as well as which possibilities are to overcome some of eventual difficulties.Downloads
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