Influence, attitude, relationshipAbstract
Requirement for basic knowledge of some subjects has been considered as prerequisite for students in depth knowledge in other subjects and subsequent performance in the examinations among secondary school students. Mathematics is being considered as the bedrock of art and science subjects. However, there is need to establish the extent to which this claim is true especially between Mathematics and Chemistry hence this investigation. This study investigated the attitude of students to Mathematics in correlation to its relationship and influence in Chemistry, using multiple regressions. The study is a descriptive research of survey type. The instruments for data collection include, Student Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ), Mathematics and Chemistry Relationship (MCR) and Student Influence Questionnaire (SIQ). 475 students were randomly selected from 10 Secondary Schools in Oyo State, while one intact class was selected randomly from each school. The test items (SAQ), (MCR) and SIQ were administered to thirty SS II students that were not involved in the main study to determine the reliability and internal consistency of the scores using Cronbach alpha formula. The standardized alpha value of 0.79, 0.81 and 0.67 were obtained. It was discovered that attitude of students to Mathematics has influence and relationship to attitude and performance in Chemistry. Since the relationship exist among attitude, relationship and influence, it was concluded that, students attitude to Mathematics has relationship that influenced the performance in Chemistry. Hence, students must possess positive attitude to Mathematics in order to have positive attitude to learning and perform better in Chemistry.Downloads
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