Macedonia, local goverment, educationAbstract
The administrative organization of the government of the Republic of Macedonia can be central and decentralised. It is proven that in developing countries it is difficult to put the concept of decentralization into practice. Such is the case of Macedonia. The Republic of Macedonia has a single-tier system of local government. Macedonia's local governmental reforms are long-term processes due to the country’s need to fulfil objectives such as local-level capacity enhancement, improving relations between local and the central government, changing the bureaucratic mind set in administration etc. To sum up, this work puts forward the organizational structure of administration in Macedonia, or, to put it better, the positive and negative aspects of local government, which give us information about how much progress is recorded at the local level of governance. Questions like the approach of Macedonian local governance, the legal framework and weaknesses and how these processes develop, how far we can go and how we can get more impressive and successful seek deep examination to reach the answers. This research, which is a research on local governance, is based on socio-technical methods, and the topic which makes active most this work is the research carried on in three municipalities in the country (Tetovo, Bogovinye, Yegunovça) by observing and analysing the organizational structure of local government and service of each. Thus, the main goal of this work is to examine and research whether the aforementioned municipalities provide or not local services, in which domain they offer services, and what they have done to improve themselves. In the same period, people we studied, methods used while they received municipal services, central-local relations, examine the attitudes of local government taking over administrative organization.Downloads
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