Hungary, history of education, teacher training institutesAbstract
Between 1950 and 1959, teacher training in secondary schools meant an education to last for four years followed by a specified final exam and a practice period of one year. Trainee teachers were subsequently expected to take a qualifying exam. The objectives of the research can be given as follows: analysis of the syllabuses regulating the training at secondary level and investigation of the procedures and means of the training. The objective of the investigation is to present and analyse the forms and the documents related to the regulation in training and practical training. In the course of the essay we will go into details concerning the difficulties and problems in organising practical training as well as the issue whether the vocational training allowed to contribute to develop trainee teachers’ expertise. The use of primary sources such as curricula and regulations were included during the investigation. In the middle of the 20th century, the conscious and methodological development of trainee teachers’ practical skills and abilities was considered as highly important by those preparing curricula, headmasters of teacher training schools and teachers of institutions and training schools.Downloads
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