Content Analysis of Science Textbooks’ Evaluation Questions Based on Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Environment and Astronomy Subject Area by Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom’s taxonomy, Content analysis, Textbook, Science educationAbstract
The aim of this study is to determine the distribution of the units in the 6th, 7th and 8th grade science textbooks according to the contents of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Environment and Astronomy learning domains and analyze the evaluation questions in these units according to Bloom’s Taxonomy. The 6th, 7th and 8th grade science textbooks prepared in the framework of 1926, 1948, 1974, 1992, 2000, 2004 and 2013 science programs constitute the sample of this work. Questions to be considered in the study were evaluated independently by two field experts and the results were compared. As a result of the analyzes, it was determined that physics, biology, chemistry, environmental units were mainly included in every program but the number of astronomy units was less and only included in 6th and 7th grades’ science textbooks. According to the Bloom’s Taxonomy, when the questions are evaluated, it is determined that the questions in the Synthesis and Evaluation levels are insufficient and the questions in the Knowledge and Understanding levels are excessive. Based on the subject area, biology units’ evaluation questions in 1948 program , the physics units’ evaluation questions in 2013 program, the Astronomy units’ evaluation questions in 1926 program and chemistry units’ evatluation questions in 2000 program are prepared at the upper level based on Bloom’s taxsonomy.Downloads
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