The Effect of Using Active Learning Model on Fourth Year Physics Students' Achievement in the Subjects "Teaching Aids" and "Development of Critical Thinking"

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  • Mohib Alden MAHMOUD AHMED


Education development, Education methods, Education methods of physics


This research aims at identifying the effect of using Active Learning on the achievement of 4th year Physics students in "Teaching Aids" and "Development of Critical Thinking". To bring about these aims, two null hypotheses and 5 secondary hypotheses that follow the second main hypothesis have been set. To validate the hypotheses,  a sample (71) male and female 4th year Physics students at the College of Education had been selected and divided into two main groups, namely the experimental group and the control groups with (35) and (36) students in both groups respectively. A process of equivalence was done for both research groups in terms of the variables (Intelligence, Previous Year Achievement in Physics, Age, and Critical Thinking). The experimental group was taught according to the Active Learning Model, while the traditional (ordinary method has been adopted in teaching the control group.The researcher prepared the basic requirements of the research represented by identifying the teaching material and the behavioral objectives behind teaching it. Also lesson plans for teaching both the experimental and the control groups have been set according to the Model of Active Learning and the Ordinary Method, side by side with the provision of the teaching aids and laboratory instrument for applying the experiment.




How to Cite

MAHMOUD AHMED, M. A. (2018). The Effect of Using Active Learning Model on Fourth Year Physics Students’ Achievement in the Subjects "Teaching Aids" and "Development of Critical Thinking". The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 9, 79–95. Retrieved from


