Interrelationship between Keeping School Experience Diaries and Student Teachers Empathic Tendencies
School experi̇ence, Teachi̇ng practi̇ce, Empathic tendencies, Preservice chemistry teachersAbstract
The study aimed to examine to what extend preservice chemistry teachers in school experi̇ence and teachi̇ng practi̇ce would benefit from empathic tendencies through diary keeping. The sampling of the study consisted of 12 student teachers studying at Hacettepe University Faculty of Education. In the research, Empathic Tendency Scale (Kocak & Onen, 2013) was used with the aim of collecting data. Within the framework of the research, preservice chemistry teachers were asked to keep school experience diaries in order to identify the interrelationship between preservice chemistry teachers’ empathic tendencies and expression in the experience diaries. In addition, elements related to the empathic tendencies of preservice chemistry teachers were eliminated from the student diaries produced in a systematic way to determine empathic tendencies. In this study it is tried to demonstrate how it could be more effective the courses which will be applied in the years ahead.Downloads
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