The Effects of using Algodoo in Science Teaching at Middle School
Algodoo, Work and energy unit, SimulationsAbstract
The study examined the effects of instructional approaches as support for scientific learning using a simulation program, Algodoo. The well-known difficulties on learning science concept is supported by Algodoo program. Algodoo is a physic simulation program and it is integrated 7 th grade work and energy unit science classes. The study is conducted at a state school in İstanbul 2017-2018 semesters ,3 instructors and their two classes totally six classes and 202 students participate the study. The study designed as an experimental research. Each instructors’ experiment and control group is randomly selected. During the three weeks, each instructors lecture control group with traditional method and experimental group is studied science lessons supported with Algodoo. Pre-test and post –test are applied to all participant as quantative data tools and reflections and worksheets are applied to experiment groups as qualitative data tools. The acquired results show that students have positive attitudes towards Algodoo program they seen lesson which is applied Algodoo more enjoyable and meaningful for them. These kinds of feedback also effect the students’ perspective towards science lesson and students ‘success. Algodoo can be applied to students from different education levels.Downloads
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