The use of Multimedia in Teaching Biology and Its Impact on Students’ Learning Outcomes

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  • Adedamola A. KAREEM


Multimedia, Biology, Students, Learning outcomes, Secondary school


In this 21st century of Information and Communication Technology, a motivating and captivating approach   should be encouraged to help students better learn. The use of multimedia in education has proven its importance due to its positive impact on the teaching and learning process. The study investigated the effectiveness of using Multimedia on students learning outcomes in biology. 180 students were randomly selected from three secondary schools and were randomly divided into three groups. Pretest-posttest control group quasi experimental design was employed for the study. The experimental groups was taught with the help of multimedia presentations whereas the control group was treated traditionally. The treatment was given for a period of 10 weeks.  Validated Attitude Towards Biology Scale (ATBS) was tested for reliability using Crombach alpha which stood at 0.76 and Biology Achievement Test (BAT) which was also validated was tested for reliability using Kuder Richardson (KR,20), yielded 0.89, were used as data collection instruments.  The data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results indicated a statistically significant difference between students learning outcomes and modes of instruction. Students under Multimedia Aided Instructions had better outcome than their colleagues in traditional teaching method. Therefore, it is recommended that Multimedia Assisted Instruction should be used in the teaching of biology at secondary school to improve students’ learning outcomes in the subject.




How to Cite

A. KAREEM, A. (2018). The use of Multimedia in Teaching Biology and Its Impact on Students’ Learning Outcomes. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 9, 157–165. Retrieved from


