Training of Foreign Students Under the Modern Professional Preparation of Qualified Doctor

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  • Volodymyr SULYMA
  • Kateryna YAROSHENKO


Training students, Professional preparation, Qualified doctor


The training of a qualified doctor is the main task of a higher educational institution. When teaching medicine to foreign students it is important to take into account the ethno-social problems that arise at the stage of practical training of a doctor in modern conditions. The purpose of the work is to introduce into the system of training foreign students’ clinical situational tasks, the closest to the real cases of medical practice, which will improve the quality of mastering the discipline by foreign students of the 4th year and obtain the necessary general levels of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities. For the practical stage of studying foreign students we offer situational clinical tasks in accordance with the studied topic, which indicates the previous diagnosis, as well as the minimum amount of laboratory and / or instrumental data studies. The experience of using clinical situational tasks for the practical training of foreign students suggests that this approach is optimal and allows you to effectively form the necessary level of knowledge and skills for students for the next general medical practice.




How to Cite

SULYMA, V., YAROSHENKO, K., & POLULYAH-CHORNOVOL, İryna. (2018). Training of Foreign Students Under the Modern Professional Preparation of Qualified Doctor. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 9, 175–177. Retrieved from


