Why Do I Need Medical Students for an Individual Plan of a Training Process?
Individual plan, Training process, Medical studentsAbstract
Individual plan of a training process for medical students contains: 1. Theme and list of training elements, content modules and modules. 2. Forms of control on individual elements of the educational process. 3. Reference balls for individual and total elements of the educational process. 4. Actual scores received by the student for his personal control of the level of knowledge for individual learning elements and the total level. 5. The individual plan should become a motivating factor for improving knowledge of the individual components of the curriculum. 6. Its content should be used in self-preparation of the student for the lesson. Medical students in the course of training should analyze the mistakes made and fill in the gaps in their knowledge, as self-control is the basis of cognitive activity, reasonable independence, disciplines the student, develops a critical attitude towards oneself, being motivated to better education. The results indicate increase objectivity in the control of knowledge from teachers and students to increase interest in teach a subject that is allowed to integrate in medical education and, in future, in practical public health of Ukraine and other countries. Diagnosis is based on the comparison of resembling signs of a disease, in an examined patient, with manifestations of all the diseases with similar clinical presentation.In consideration of the importance of preparing qualified specialists, it’s natural to increase quality of education in medical institution, so it’s necessary to embody the credit transfer system in training course of surgery in Ukraine by preparation physician – general practitioners.Downloads
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