Investigation of the Information, Attitude and Behaviors of the Conservatory Secondary School Students Around the Environment

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  • Buse CEGER
  • Sinan ERTEN


Conservatory, Secondary school students, Environmental awareness


In the survey, it was aimed to determine the level of environmental awareness (knowledge, behavior and attitude) of the sixth, seventh and eighth grade students in the conservatory middle school level. The study group consists of 76 students, 62 of which are from middle school and 14 are from ballet. For this purpose, a five-point Likert-type environmental awareness questionnaire developed by Erten was used. The 20 items of this questionnaire are environmental information, the 20 items are the behavior towards the environment and the last 20 items are the items prepared to determine the attitude toward the environment. The answers given by the students to the questionnaire were analyzed and interpreted statistically with the SPSS program. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that conservatorial middle school students' attitudes towards the environment and environmental information are at a higher level than the average behavior of their surroundings. In addition, it has been determined that the attitudes and knowledge levels of the students have not much influence on the beneficial behaviors of the students.




How to Cite

CEGER, B., & ERTEN, S. (2018). Investigation of the Information, Attitude and Behaviors of the Conservatory Secondary School Students Around the Environment. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 9, 182–192. Retrieved from


