The Students’ and Lecturers’ Viewpoint about Efficiency of Mathematics Teaching Style
Educational psychology theories, Friedman nonparametric tests, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Chi-square test, Kruskal-Wallis testAbstract
The technological and industrial advances in any country depend primarily on the interactive academic developments. Indeed the basis for technology has been constructed by science such as mathematics as a top priority. In the present study, along with inspecting five distinctive educational psychology theories, various teaching styles of mathematics were scrutinized. For this purpose, a special questionnaire was developed in which every question includes one of fundamental characteristics of these theories. The participants in this survey were ninety B. Sc. students of mathematical sciences in University of Zabol. According to the statistical analyses, the heuristic problem-solving teaching and speech-based styles were the most interesting and least attractive methods respectively for the survey participant while the speech-based style is the most prevalent teaching style for them.Downloads
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