Engineering Education Problems and Solution Suggestions
Engineering education, Higher educationAbstract
Engineering is to apply scientific and mathematical principles with technology for the benefit of mankind. The engineer must have certain theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to do his work, while the fundamental of theoretical knowledge is directly related to the knowledge of science and mathematics. Turkey’s PISA score is far below the OECD average, ÖSYS results confirms this fact. For example, the net correct answered numbers of the questions the students who settled in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Namık Kemal University Corlu Engineering Faculty in 2016; For LYS1 Mathematics it is 16.9 for 50 questions, for LYS1 Geometry it is 7.7 for 30 questions and for LYS1 Physics is 5.5 for 30 questions. For evening education, the correct answers are as follows; 11.7, 4.3 and 4.1 respectively. ABET criteria and OSYS scores were examined and the reasons for the failure of students who settled in some engineering faculties were examined. In 2015, YÖK has initiated the practice of "restricting according to success" in engineering programs. In this study, it was concluded that the achievement rates of the students for the basic courses were compared with the OSYS success rank by taking the department as an example and it was inadequate to limit it according to success rank. In 2015, The Higher Education Council has started "The Application of The Restriction in Rank of Success in Programs for the Professional Execution". In this study, by taking NKU ÇMF, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering as an example, the success rate of the students for the basic courses are compared with the success rank of these students in the OSYS and it is concluded that the current method is not adequate for achieving the desired outcomes.Downloads
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