Impact of Teacher Candidates on Effective Use of Information by Identifying Web Pages Prepared for Social Studies
Social studies teacher candidates, Technology, WebAbstract
The goal of contemporary education is; is to train people who produce knowledge, who use knowledge, who have acquired continuous learning habits and who have the knowledge of creative nature. Today, the rapid development of computer and internet technology is the end result, it is inevitable to utilize these technologies in the field of education. Through web pages located in the internet world, individuals contribute to the development of research skills, critical thinking skills by sharing their works and ideas. This study was carried out in order to determine the effect of social studies teacher candidates on the ability to use the technology effectively by preparing a web page. This study was conducted using qualitative research techniques. The study group of the study was conducted with 20 students in total, with 5 teacher candidates for each grade level. The data were collected with these semi-structured interview forms. It was determined that prospective teachers used web pages effectively, obtained information by using search engines, learned application programs and got a critical view on technology in the obtained data. On the basis of the results obtained, suggestions such as the necessity of using web technologies in all courses have been made.Downloads
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