Smart City Companies in Turkey
Smart cities, Companies, Market research, StakeholdersAbstract
Smart Cities use Information and Communication Technologies to manage the resources and services offered by a city more effectively and to bring them closer to all stakeholders (citizens, corporations and public administration). Public or private companies implement smart city practices among stakeholders. Smart city practices are expected to accelerate economic growth and social development. However, it is a fact that a country has become fully smart cities but only with domestic and national companies. Technology companies that manufacture smart city in Turkey can be a domestic-national company or a company which is distributor belongs to a foreign company. In this study, national and regional levels, market research and analysis have been performed related to smart cities in Turkey. As a result of this study, company's type and produced technologies are handled. Thus, the current studies will reveal about the companies located in Turkey related to smart cities. It will be beneficial to all stakeholders involved in smart cities.Downloads
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