Examination of Effect of Gender on Occupational Accident
Occupational health and safety, Occupational accident, EstimationAbstract
Competition among companies is increasing with the development of the technology and changing market conditions. Companies in this competitive environment need to reduce their costs (direct and indirect cost) and increase their productivity. Companies that want to reduce their costs should also give priority to occupational health and safety. So that in Turkey, legislation studies and programs about occupational health and safety are tried to gain the awareness of occupational helath and safety. Determining whether these studies are successful is only possible with statistical analyzes using past years’ data. In Turkey, datas of work accident and occupational disease are published by Social Security Instution (SSI). In recent years, it has been seen that female employees take part in many sectors. In this study, in order to determine the effects of gender of occupational accidents, statistical analyzes were carried out in the sectors of “Electrical Equipment Manufacture” and “Manufacture of Textile Products” which female employees are more and most of the occupational accidents are experienced. After the analyzes, the relationship between the gender and living occupational accidents was determined and interpreted.Downloads
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