Information Technologies in a Modern School
Education, School, Information technology, Robotics, STEAMAbstract
Any educational institution chooses for itself valuable reference points of development. The result of the quality of education largely depends on what position the educational institution will take in relation to schoolchildren. For us, the development of a Specialized Boarding school-lyceum "Information technologies" is the development of our students, ensuring their success in life. To achieve these goals in the implementation of the educational program of the school-lyceum staff there was a need to study and implement modern pedagogical technologies and innovative forms of education. The school-lyceum carries out activity in the STEAM direction with training in three languages with profound studying of computer science, mathematics, physics and other disciplines of applied character. The concept of the boarding school incorporates the best international experience in the construction of an educational model for the creation of information and educational space, favorable for the harmonious formation and development of the individual capable of self-development, self-determination and self-realization in the modern information society. The article reveals the peculiarities of studying in a Specialized Boarding school –lyceum "Information technologies", the ultimate goal of which is the formation of the basic, social, profile competence of the student.Downloads
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