The Effects of Blended Learning on EFL Students’ Usage of Grammar in Context
Blended learning, Usage of grammar in context, EFL studentsAbstract
The current study was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of blended learning on English as a Foreign Language students’ usage of grammar in context. Experimental design was conducted on two sections of tenth graders in a Palestinian public school near Ramallah. Thus, the current study attempted to answer the following main questions: 1- What are the effects of blended learning on EFL students’ usage of grammar in context? 2- What are students’ perceptions of the benefits and limitations of the blended material? In order to answer these questions, pre-posttests and interview were used as instruments for the data collection. Quantitative data was calculated using SPSS as well as thematic analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. The results of this study revealed that blended learning has positive effect on students’ achievement in grammar instruction. The achievement of the experimental group outperformed the control group. In addition, participants showed positive attitudes toward the blended material, they pointed out that it helped them to retain what they learn. Also it gives them feedback and improves their pronunciation, all of this in an interesting and fun way.Downloads
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