An Investigation of the Effect of Entrepreneurship Course on Social Studies Teacher Candidates
Entrepreneurship, Social studies, Teacher candidatesAbstract
The purpose of this research is to determine the reflections of the social studies teacher candidates’ perceptions of entrepreneurship course integrated with the social studies curriculum in terms of understanding and application. For this purpose, it has been tried to determine the perceptions of entrepreneurship perceptions, outof-school reflections, proficiency perceptions and entrepreneurship perceptions of the prospective teachers. Within this scope, candidate teachers who have trained in entrepreneurship course have benefited from the lessons they have taken over a period of time. This research is designed according to the phenomenological research design. Participants of the study were 18 (8 female-10 male) prospective teachers. Analyzes of the data were obtained by semi-structured interview form conducted with the teacher candidates at the end of the semester. The data were analyzed by content analysis. As a result, it is seen that the social studies teacher candidates reflect positively on the perceptions of entrepreneurship. There were also positive changes in classroom out-of-class educational perceptions. It has also been found that entrepreneurship is perceived as being brave, taking risks, earning money and being determined. Depending on these results, it can be said that the entrepreneurship lesson should be taught in different sections without interruption.Downloads
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