Humanization in the Educational Process at the Slovak University of Technology
Humanisation, Teacher, Student, InteractionAbstract
The complicated reality of the human society life of the last two or three decades is for the needs analyse of humanization of the current technical or natural sciences not only in university study branches the same as what were in the Middle Ages, Nicholas Copernicus or Galileo Galilei for the formation of heliocentric model of the solar system. Humanisation of university technical education is perceived in the perspective of future graduates of technical university as one of the means of their professional adaptation in relation to the social context of their work. The contribution seeks the answer to the question of meaningful humanisation of the teaching process at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. It identifies the factors that students perceive as positive incentives in the development of their own professionalism. It specifies the findings that may be helpful in the process of humanization not only for teachers of humanities, but especially for teachers of vocational technical subjects.Downloads
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