Feminist Discourse Specific to Ulviye Mithat (U.) Between 1935-37 in Cyprus

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  • Zihniye OKRAY


Cyprus, Ulviye Mithat, Women's rights, Discourse-historical approach


Although Cyprus was under control of United Kingdom from 1878 to 1960 movements which affect Turkey were also affecting Turkish Cypriots who were living in Cyprus. 5th of December is a meaningful day in our calendars because the Turkish women earn their right to vote and stand for the election in 1934.Ulviye Mithat (U.) was born in 1906 in Kastamonu, Turkey; married to a Turkish Cypriot then moved to the island in 1923. She lived in Cyprus until 1940. Between 1935-37 she wrote articles in local newspapers called Ses and Embros about women's rights. She was the most- of best knowledge of author- criticized columnist because of her modernist, egalitarian and reformist ideas of her. In this paper Discourse-Historical Approach from Reisigl and Wodak was used in order to find discourses specific to Ulviye Mithat between 1935-37 in Cyprus. As a result, although Ulviye Mithat was write in 1930's her ideas about women's rights and gender equality is far beyond of her era.




How to Cite

OKRAY, Z. (2018). Feminist Discourse Specific to Ulviye Mithat (U.) Between 1935-37 in Cyprus. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 10, 61–67. Retrieved from https://epess.net/index.php/epess/article/view/441


