The Problems Encountered in the Teaching of Social Studies in Turkey
Social studies ınstruction, Problem, EducationAbstract
The aim of social studies education is to improve the knowledge, attitudes and skills that the individual can use in solving the problems he / she may encounter and to be in harmony with the society with age. In addition, citizenship and responsibilities, the Turkish nation, to give love, respect and confidence to the flag and the Turkish army, to develop the skills of democratic life rules, to live together, to take responsibility, to help and to make decision-making skills, to rights and responsibilities against each other, The development of the technique is to train individuals who know that human beings will affect life. However, when we look at the studies conducted together, it seems that social studies are inadequate. The purpose of this study is; social studies in Turkey between the years 2014-2017 is to reveal the problems encountered in teaching. This study was prepared by qualitative research methods using document analysis technique. For this purpose, the relevant document was examined in the field. Document review involves the reorganization, synthesis and interpretation of subdivisions for the purpose of evaluating research based on a specific field and developing an information base. At the beginning of the research, it is seen that the most important problems are caused by the problems caused by the application of the curriculum and the lack of extracurricular activities. Suggestions are presented in the light of the obtained data.Downloads
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