An Overview of the Inquiry Practices of an Experienced Teacher: A Case Study
Inquiry-based science education, In-service teacher, A case study, Classroom observationAbstract
This study examined the inquiry-based science practices of a teacher and the 20 students in his class. The purpose of this case study is to identify how this teacher adapts scientific inquiry into his practices and to understand what kind of training needs he has. The data set out here were collected with the videos during a class visit and interviews with the teacher. Four classroom observation were planned for a teacher with his own IBSE activities and pre-determined activities. The interviews and video recordings were analyzed and interpreted qualitatively by using a diagnostic observation protocol. The results showed that the teacher apply the activities with one or two indicators of inquiry learned from in-service trainings, beyond applying them as a scientific process in a holistic manner. The analysis of the interviews showed that the teachers understanding of inquiry could be shaped as partially, inadequate or sometimes with misunderstandings via intensive trainings. This case shows us a ground to approach in-service trainings in a different way.Downloads
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