Study on the Efficiency of Different Methods of Teaching the Minimum Size Cam Principles
Teaching methods, Minimum size cam, PrinciplesAbstract
The paper will be concerned with establishing the most efficient way of teaching the principles of minimum size cam for mechanical engineering students. Three methods are presented and the test will reveal the most efficient one, in terms of understanding the general principles and the details related to the subject.Three groups of students are involved in this study. For each group, a different method was presented and the grades at the final test demonstrate which method was more effective for teaching the principles and for receiving the information by the tested subjects. The graphical method consists of drawing the cam profile by points taking into account the maximum admissible pressure angle. The second method for the minimum size cam is the analytical one, which consists of determining the eccentricity and radius of the cam basic circle using mathematical equations. The third method consists of an estimated method for translational followers based on simplifying assumptions.Downloads
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