Student Satisfaction, Needs, Learning Outcome and Motivation: A Case Study Approach at A See-University
Student satisfaction, Satisfaction with academic studies, Teacher quality, achievement, motivation, University environmentAbstract
In this paper we deal with the factors which are related to student satisfaction concerning their needs, satisfaction of learning outcomes and motivation factors. The analyses shows that the academic quality of teaching is very important factor of the student satisfaction. Except the quality of teaching methods, one can conclude that the social climate, social conditions offered from the University should be taken into the consideration as very important factor of their motivation for study. We analyze the relationship between student satisfaction factors with student performance and student persistence. We examined how the variables as personality, cognitive and achievement-related variables (academic achievement), as well as various motivational constructs were associated with different forms of satisfaction (satisfaction with study program, satisfaction with the conditions of the academic program, satisfaction with the environment, satisfaction with the stress factors, etc. ). The research involved both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The results are obtained from a survey realized with students of the SEE-University. The results were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.Downloads
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