Syrian Woman’s View of Polygamy
Culture, Ethnic origins, PolygamyAbstract
As in all social events the among reasons that affect also polygamy, it is known that there are of the many factors such as social structure’s social, economical, cultural structures, belief systems which are thought to significantly affect the lifestyles of the societies. The aim of this study is to find out how women from different ethnic origins who came to the world in the same culture and lived within the same geographical boundaries point of view about polygamy and whether there is a difference in the direction of affirmation or negativity. The basic questions appropriate for the purpose of study were prepared in advance and new questions were also generated according to the response given by each participant to the questions, the researcher asked during the interview. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 32 Syrian women of four different ethnic origins who lived in the same geographical borders as Arab, Turkmen, Circassian and Kurdish between the ages of 18-45 and who were trained in the same or similar culture. As a result, it has been found that women have a negative attitude towards polygamy, which is known to exist in the cultural structure in Syria.Downloads
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