The Importance of Professional Counseling and Career Guidance in Technical Faculties
Counseling, Guidance, Focus groupAbstract
The point of this paper is to prove that the existence and the proper operation of a center for professional counseling and career guidance are important for the students of technical faculties. The analysis of the focus group responsesdemonstrateshow necessary and useful is the existence of an information center for business and students, how effective is the students’ training for social and professional insertion, as well as for their personal development according to their interests and aspirations. The paper also reveals the implication of the professional counseling and career guidance in developing their own educational path, related to their skills, in engaging them in extracurricular activities. It is also relevant to analyze the convenience of training stages for the development of transversal skills, for preparing the necessary steps for employment, the opportunity of specialized conferences or volunteer activities, of study visits to companies but also the organization of cultural and charity events.Downloads
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