Improving Higher Education Quality in Jordan using Mobile Technologies
E-learning, Quality of education, Mobile technology, Disadvantaged learnersAbstract
In this paper, we introduce the outcomes of a project, which aims at developing an adaptive curriculum in engineering education that is based on digital learning resources for mobile devices. This project comes as a response to the requirements for modernization and accessibility of the Jordanian higher education system to improve the integration of disadvantaged learners in the educational system. Disadvantaged learners include those with special needs or a socioeconomic status that significantly restrict their ability for adequate education. Those include high school students and undergraduate/graduate students at universities. The study investigated methods for effective and sustainable integration of mobile technologies into the educational process. Additionally, an assessment of the most suitable digital content and devices to be used was conducted in order to develop plans, strategies and programs that combine the appropriate methods and techniques of training, particularly for people with special needs. The study of the educational needs to implement the newest mobile technologies was carried out by means of questionnaires and interviews.Downloads
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