Bullying Against Children with Special Needs in Greek Schools.What Action Do Teachers Take?
Children with disabilities, General school, Classmates, TeachersAbstract
The aim of this research is to evaluate the actions of education when dealing with the phenomenon of aggressiveness and bullying towards disabled students in primary schools of North Greece. In the quantitative research conducted by means of a questionnaire, 126 primary school educators took part . The results of the research have shown that incidents of aggression and bullying with children with special needs as victims appear since pre-school and their frequency is highest near the end of primary school age. From the foundlings resulting that the children with SN victimized in moderate degree in the general school. Also the prominent reason that causes the expression of bullying is the type of disability. School bullying is most often expressed at the school yard. Educators take certain measures to reduce bullying incidents and they state that they are moderately ready to handle them.Downloads
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