Urban Streets from the Perspetive of the Youth
Urban streets, Youth, Spatial elementsAbstract
The success of urban open spaces is relative to their ability to address the needs of different user groups. Thus, open urban spaces should be designed in consideration of different needs of different user groups. Young individuals are among important users whose needs need to be identified, and their spatial use is different from the rest of the society. In everyday life, streets are significant spaces for young individuals and are effective on their development. Young individuals consider streets are spaces where they contact others. Thus, the present study aimed to scrutinize the streets in urban area based on their use by young individuals. The 4 most intensely occupied streets in Trabzon, Maraş Street, Kunduracılar Street, Uzunsokak and Tanjant Street were examined in the present study. Behavioral observations were conducted on these streets in the study and which spatial elements were used by young individuals and intended use of these elements were determined. In other words, the facilities that these streets offer to young individuals were identified. In the study 246 young individuals were observed and the findings demonstrated that these individuals utilized the street pavement, walls, curbs, benches and shop fronts to conduct activities such as chatting, sitting, leisure, hanging out and spending time with friends.Downloads
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