IoT Proto Labs: Cross-border Multidisciplinary Learning Labs in Higher Education
Student labs, Authentic learning, Higher education, Science, TechnologyAbstract
Student labs are one promising way to cope with changing requirements from the labor market in the domain of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), but also to keep the field up to date, to start innovations and to advance the STEM domain as such. In these labs, students work together in small groups imitating professional practice of design and technology workers. More insights are needed how to design student labs. In order to effectively enhanced generic competences, such as collaboration, communication, problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity, student labs should be designed as authentic productive learning environments based on three design principles: 1) Realistic, complex task situations, 2) Multidisciplinarity, and 3) Social interaction. IoT Rapid Proto Labs are examples of such student labs, in which cross-border multidisciplinary teams of students, teachers (coaches), and practitioners jointly develop solutions to challenging IoT applications (Internet-connected objects), add value for enterprises, and strengthen the employability, creativity and career prospects of students.Downloads
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