Influence of Teaching and Learning Resources on Student’s Performance in Senior Secondary Schools in Gusau Local Government, Zamfara State

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  • Solomon Akintola ADENIRAN Federal College of Education (Technical)


Teaching Materials, Resource Utilization, Teaching Leaning Resources


Education is a fundamental human right that brings about positive development to economy of a nation. This explains why countries worldwide plan for and increases budgetary allocations to fund various educational programmes each fiscal year. This study investigated the Influence of Teaching and Learning Resources on Student’s Performance in Senior Secondary Schools in Gusau, Zamfara State of Nigeria. In this study, three research questions and one hypothesis were raised to guide the conduct of the investigation. The study used descriptive design and data was collected using questionnaire for the responses from the respondents to answer the research questions and hypotheses raised. The population of the study comprised all teachers in Senior Secondary Schools in Zamfara State, Nigeria. The total number of 50 teachers was selected through stratified sampling technique from five selected Senior Secondary Schools in Gusau metropolis of Zamfara State, Nigeria. Mean deviation was used to answer the research questions. The study found out that teaching and learning materials were not adequately available and the little that were available were not adequately utilized in school by the teachers because of gross inadequacy of kills and knowledge for the resources utilization. The study therefore recommended that the government should allocate more funds for TLR provision to improve the status and condition of physical facilities and employment of skilled teachers for effective utilization of teaching and learning resources; seminars, conferences and workshops should be organized frequently for teachers to acquire necessary skills and subject teachers should be consulted before the procurement of learning materials to prevent buying of irrelevant materials.




How to Cite

ADENIRAN, S. A. (2020). Influence of Teaching and Learning Resources on Student’s Performance in Senior Secondary Schools in Gusau Local Government, Zamfara State. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 18, 124–131. Retrieved from


