Pedagogical Technology in the Higher Medical Education of Ukraine
Pedagogical Technology, Medical Education, Health Educaiton, Higher EducationAbstract
In the course of the higher medical education of the phrase "study method" it is expedient to understand as set of organizational methods of study to something or receptions of performance something whereas in didactics of preparation of future doctors of attitude "the study method" is interpreted as a way of the ordered mutual activity between the teacher and the student directed on the solution of concrete educational tasks including in the higher medical education of Ukraine. All this together convincingly testifies that "the study method", is rather difficult, high-quality and multidimensional pedagogical technology in which objective educational regularities, the principles, the purposes, the contents and forms find reflection. Communication of any pedagogical technology with other didactic categories is always shown by the interacting and interconnected characteristics as the principles, the purposes, the contents and forms of education define a concrete method, and they can't be realized without it at all, and without opportunities of practical realization.Downloads
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