The Effects of Using Blended Learning in Teaching and Learning English: A Review of Literature
Blended Learning, Effects of using blended learning, English language teachingAbstract
Blended learning has recently been considered a hot topic in education, especially for teachers and students to employ for the enhancement of the English language throughout the world. Therefore, the current paper yields to the related literature of the blended learning effects in teaching and learning the English language. Various related literature has been reviewed to find out the effects of blended learning on the four integrated skills of the English language such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Hence, the outcome of the reviewed literature present that there are effects of using blended learning in teaching and learning the English language. Blended learning affects each of the integrated skill of the English language positively and it is suggested that using blended learning as one of the 21st-century skills need to be taken into consideration for the teaching and learning the English language in the future.Downloads
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